Privacy Policy

The Akaigawa Village International Resort Promotion Association (referred to as “the Association”) is committed to protecting your personal information. We prioritize trust and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Our personal information protection policy ensures the proper use and management of your information.

1 Appropriate management

The Association is committed to maintaining accurate and up-to-date personal information in line with the purpose of use. We implement rigorous security measures to prevent any loss, leakage, destruction, or alteration of personal information. In cases where KAC entrusts personal information to third parties, we ensure their proper supervision to maintain the security of the data.

2 Explanation of purpose of use

When uploading images to the site, please ensure that images with location information (EXIF GPS) are not included. We collect personal information in a lawful and transparent manner, clearly stating the purpose of use and providing necessary information at the time of acquisition or through our website. If personal information is obtained indirectly, we will provide notifications regarding the purpose of use on our website and other appropriate channels.

3 Compliance with purpose of use

The Association will strictly use personal information only for the intended purpose. In the event that the Association needs to use personal information for purposes beyond the original scope, prior notification will be provided to the individual, and their consent will be obtained before proceeding.

4 Provision to third parties

The Association may share retained personal data with business partners and other relevant parties in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and norms.

5 Disclosure, Correction of Retained Personal Data

The Corporation will promptly handle requests for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, and other actions regarding retained personal data, within reasonable limits and upon verifying the identity of the requester.

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